Having little or no credit can be like hitting a wall, especially when it comes to getting a car loan from a traditional bank or credit union. When you don’t have enough cash to purchase a vehicle outright, you need financing to make it possible. That’s where Vamos Auto steps in to lend a hand.
At Vamos Auto, we help our customers buy a used car directly from our dealership. You pay us, not a bank or other financing service. It’s a bit like having a traditional car loan, but simpler and more direct. We can often get you financing right away, sometimes even the same day. You skip the long wait for bank loan approval and drive off in your new vehicle. This is what we in the automotive world call a Buy Here Pay Here dealership. Ready to take the step? You can apply for financing online today. You may hear people call it “in situ financing” or “tote the note.” All of these phrases mean the same thing: when you buy your used car, truck, or van through a Buy Here Pay Here dealership like Vamos Auto, you are financing through us, not a bank. We don’t just send your credit application to a bank: we work with our own financial team to get you approved without the need for a traditional car loan. So, if you are dealing with bad credit or no credit, this could just be the perfect solution.
Here you have another advantage. When you buy through us, Vamos Auto reports your regular and timely payments to the credit agencies. This helps improve your credit score. As long as you make your payments on time and don’t miss any, you can start to improve your credit score with each payment you make. This opens new doors for you, such as buying a home, financial independence, or achieving other goals that bad credit may have been preventing you from.
Don’t forget to check if any limited warranties are offered when purchasing your new vehicle. Unlike most dealerships that sell cars “as is,” at Vamos Auto we offer a limited warranty* with our vehicles. That means when you buy a car from us, you’re not only getting a reliable vehicle, but you’re also getting an excellent limited warranty* to make sure you’re satisfied. In short, if you have little or no credit and are looking for a used vehicle, Vamos Auto is here to help you. Apply for Financing Online Today With our Buy Here Pay Here approach, our regular credit reports to help build your credit score, and our limited warranty*, we are dedicated to providing our customers with invaluable service, especially those who may have difficulties in obtaining car loans from banks or other dealers. At Vamos Auto, we are dedicated to Helping People Drive. We are happy to help you get behind the wheel of the car, SUV, truck, or any vehicle you need. So, if you’re ready to hit the road, don’t delay: apply for financing online now! Apply now